I've been monitoring 500 kHz using the Rx Antenna port with a home
made loop. (Wayne suggested this in an earlier reflector email since
the Rx Antenna port bypasses the bandpass filters.) Works fine. I
can hear KSM and local liberty ships loud and clear. But ...
There is a strange spurious signal at 500.000 kHz +/- 2Hz. It seems
to be coming FROM the K3 since I can null it out by turning the null
of my loop towards the K3, and also peak it by tuning the loop to
resonance. But it is not audible on the K3 when all antennas are
disconnected. There are also identical signals at 490, 510, ..., and
even at 1680 on the other side of the AM BCST swamp.
The strange thing is that this spurious signal is present ONLY when
the NB is activated on the K3. (And, yes, I do mean NB and not NR.)
Where in the K3 is there a 10 kHz oscillator that is turned on and off
by the NB button?
Oliver Johns
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