I have some strange behavior of K2 462 on PSK31. I set the power level at
15 watts and advance the drive through a combination potentiometer and the
sound card output until I get 5 watts output. The interface is homebrew
per QST May 99. The ALC is not functioning. Using r or r rev mode on the
k2, bandwidth F1. Using either a dummy load or an antenna. When going to
transmit, the power level first goes to 2 watts output and increases slowly
to 5 or 6 watts; it takes 20 seconds +/- to get there. At that point the
ALC light on the display (display indicating ALC) lights. The power level
oscillates from 5 to 6 watts for 2 seconds then drops quickly to 1/2 watt
and within 1 sec comes up to 2 watts. Then the cycle repeats
itself. Second computer it has done so on. I hooked up a VOM and measured
the sound card output; it is steady. SSBA set on 1, SSBC set on
1-1. K2/100 3571, same settings as 462 except the power is 9, its output
is a steady 1.7 watts; set power on 110 watts, its output is a steady 22
watts. All power levels are average. PSK31 is sending the idle characters.
Any ideas?
73, Chas W1CG
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