Strange IF Overload problem with XV50

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Strange IF Overload problem with XV50

Marcus Busch [DL1EKC]
Hi Elecrafters,

just finished my XV50 and hooked everything up with my K2. So far all is
fine, but I have a strange problem with the XV50:

I have set the t-r time to 0.05 s (semi break-in) and every now and then
the XV50 goes into IF overload condition (all LEDs flashing).

As I couldn't believe my K2 would do hot switching I set K2 in TEST mode
(no output power) ... AND ... with 0.0 mW my XV50 still goes into IF
overload condition.

This doesn't happen regularly, but it does happen too often to ignore. Of
course I could go to longer t-r times and forget about listen between the
letters, but I don't believe my XV50 does behave normal.

Did anyone else here notice this?


Of course 8R is set to hold, keying speed around 20 WpM, but the speed
doesn't seem to have any effect.

VY 73 de Marcus, DL1EKC

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Re: Strange IF Overload problem with XV50

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Hi Marcus,

The XV50 is relay T/R switched and like most transverters can not handle
a T/R setting that allows hearing between letters at 20 WPM. I suggest
setting the K2 T/R time a little longer.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ

Marcus Busch [DL1EKC] wrote:

> Hi Elecrafters,
> just finished my XV50 and hooked everything up with my K2. So far all is
> fine, but I have a strange problem with the XV50:
> I have set the t-r time to 0.05 s (semi break-in) and every now and then
> the XV50 goes into IF overload condition (all LEDs flashing).
> As I couldn't believe my K2 would do hot switching I set K2 in TEST mode
> (no output power) ... AND ... with 0.0 mW my XV50 still goes into IF
> overload condition.
> This doesn't happen regularly, but it does happen too often to ignore. Of
> course I could go to longer t-r times and forget about listen between the
> letters, but I don't believe my XV50 does behave normal.
> Did anyone else here notice this?
> PS:
> Of course 8R is set to hold, keying speed around 20 WpM, but the speed
> doesn't seem to have any effect.
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