Strange RX/transverter error

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Strange RX/transverter error

Alf Jacob Munthe
Hello group!

My K2 (sn. 4408) has a strange fault. When my transverters, 50 Mhz and 144 Mhz, are completely connected inclusive conrol cable (J6), but exept power, the hf reciever is almost totaly muted after I have made a PTT on SSB. The fault is not there on CW. If I change band, the signal comes back. Also if I turn on the transceiver power it works fine. With only one transverter (without power) connected (J6), everything is ok.
I am not using the transverters daily, so I solve the problem by disconnecting the control cable on the K2 or the control cable (J6) on one of the transverters. But a fault must exist?

LA6XF, Alf
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