Strange noise on 20m with no antenna

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Strange noise on 20m with no antenna

While tuning around the 14.100 region with my K2 connected to the
transverter but with the transverter switched off (therefore effectively
into a dummy load) I noticed a strange noise around 14.130. It's a sort of
hash, rather like atmospheric noise, about 10KHz wide but peaking in
strength at that frequency. Whilst listening, it suddenly stopped and
changed to a squealing noise, like RF oscillation.

I've heard similar noises from switched mode power supplies, but it's
usually radiated so you need an antenna connected to hear them. I cut the
power to everything here anyway, and it didn't seem to make a difference.

With everything disconnected from the K2, running off its internal battery,
I can't hear the noise, so I'm not convinced that this is being generated
inside the K2. As I reconnect the power lead, computer cable, antennas etc,
the noise starts to be heard, but the thing that brings it up the most is
when I plug something into the key jack.

Normal band noise (from the transverter, or the HF antenna when connected,
drowns this noise, so it has probably been present for a long time. But I
have no idea what it is or where it is coming from. Anyone had anything
similar to this, and found the answer?

Julian, G4ILO. (RSGB, ARRL, G-QRP, K2 #392)
G4ILO's Shack:

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