Subject: RE: KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

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Subject: RE: KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

Julius Fazekas n2wn
"Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or
NOTHING?  Does the basic K2's crystal filtering work
well enough that you (any of you)would be happy with
no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?"

>From my perspective that's like asking "What would you
rather have a box end wrench, rachet wrench or your
fingers?" There is a place for all of those tools. If
you're an avid DXer and/or Contester, you might want
all of those options, at times.

The ability to handle signals under any number of
extreme conditions would be the deciding factor (or
perhaps how much money you want to spend on bells and
whistles). DSP & AF may not be of any real advantage
if you have, say 16 3 wavelength long beverages on
160M, or stacked 5 element yagis on 20. If you have a
simple low dipole on 80M, either or would offer you
easier copy, at times.

There are times during CW contests I like to run my
filters at 800 Hz or even 1.5kHz, because folks call
off frequency. But, if I'm trying to pull a weak
multiplier out in the middle of the low end of 20
during the ARRL DX Test, I probably will drop down to
200Hz plus and use the KAF.

Could I live without the KAF or DSP> Sure, I could...
But both serve a purpose depending on the specifics of
your station and operating activities. IMHO, both the
KAF and DSP offer the low band operator advantages
when working weak signals that make them both welcome
tools to have on hand.

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Julius Fazekas

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