Substitute pot for K6XX CW Tuning Ind (Thru-hole PC board)

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Substitute pot for K6XX CW Tuning Ind (Thru-hole PC board)

Tom Hammond-3

For those who might still be building the K6XX Visible CW Tuning Indicator
using the PC board I offer, IF you've not yet ordered your parts, consider
replacing the originally specified Vishay trimpot with a Bourns 1/4" SQ.
12-turn device (Mouser 652-3266P-1-103).

This pot is much lower profile, fits the hole pattern already in use on the
PC board, and adjusts from the side, rather than from the top of the pot,
making in-place adjustment a possibility.

It will also also allow the thru-hole PC board to fit much more easily
between the FP and CTRL boards of the K2.


Tom   N0SS

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