Suggested Prices? - an additional option

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Suggested Prices? - an additional option

Edward A. Dauer
There is another way to dispose of our equipment when we go SK, for those who would find this both attractive and feasible.  Contributing it to a charitable organization like a school or a club or an international organization that could actually USE the equipment.  Some hams would rather see that happen than see their stuff sold for a song into someone else's excess collection.  I know it's not for everyone, but for those who want to think about it there is, in most states, a slick way to do it.  I can't give legal advice on a reflector, but I can suggest looking into what is typically called a Memorandum Disposition of Personal Property.  It's a way of making charitable bequests of stuff just like ham equipment without having to designate it in a will, or have it go through probate, or other hassles of the sort.  It's worth inquiring about, for those so inclined.


Edward A. Dauer,  LL.B.  M.P.H.
Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Law
University of Denver

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