Suggested options with K2? Portable/contesting/CW/RTTY

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Suggested options with K2? Portable/contesting/CW/RTTY

Kristinn Andersen-2


I am considering obtaining a K2.  My primary operating modes are CW and
RTTY.  Furthermore, I envision I will be using the K2 a lot for portable
operation (family/business travels), but also some for contesting (again, CW
and RTTY).


What options do you current owners feel most valuable and I should take with
the rig?  To keep things simple at this point, assume that I am only
interested in QRP operation for the above.


73 de Kristinn, TF3KX

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RE: Suggested options with K2? Portable/contesting/CW/RTTY


My K2 has the NB, ATU, 160m and DSP options.  I use it in every contest that
interested in.

The NB will help with pulse-type noises, which can occur almost anywhere you

The ATU is the slickest piece of engineering in the Elecraft stable, and can
match darn near anything you can use for an antenna.

Whether you are interested in 160m or not, having the second receiver input
been a big help to me.  I have a low-noise Flag receiving loop for 160m, but
use it on 80, 40 and 30m as well.  The second receiver input port is needed
do this.

The DSP provides two benefits.  The noise reduction feature really works.
DSP audio filter feature supplements the K2 crystal filter nicely and
the overall selectivity.

Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Kristinn Andersen
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 4:15 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Suggested options with K2?


I am considering obtaining a K2.  My primary operating modes are CW and
RTTY.  Furthermore, I envision I will be using the K2 a lot for portable
operation (family/business travels), but also some for contesting (again, CW
and RTTY).

What options do you current owners feel most valuable and I should take with
the rig?  To keep things simple at this point, assume that I am only
interested in QRP operation for the above.

73 de Kristinn, TF3KX

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