Suggestions, tips and ideas needed

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Suggestions, tips and ideas needed

M. Hendricks
Hello all,

I've had K2 S/N: 3464 in storage and I'm about to
begin construction.  I'll be using a Weller WESD51
soldering station with Kester SN63PB37 @ .031 diameter
and Kester SN60PB40 @ .031 diameter solder.  The
WESD51 uses ET series tips.  Any suggestions on tip

My understanding is that the 63/37 solder flows a
little better when soldering plated through holes on
double sided trace boards.  Is this correct?  Both
types of solder are Kester 44 rosin core.  If anyone
from Elecraft is monitoring this post, would my use of
the above 2 styles of solder have any negative impact
on my remaining (if any) warranty?

What is the recommended tip temperature for using the
above solder on the K2?

I also purchased the KAF2, KNB2 and KSB2 along with
the pre-wound toroids from AA3WF in PA.  Should I
completely assemble and align the K2 before adding the
options or add options as I assemble the K2?

Have any real significant improvements been made to
the     K2 kit since S/N: 3464, purchased in May 2003?

Thanks for your input,

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Re: Suggestions, tips and ideas needed

Don Brown-4

Use the 63/37 set the temperature to 700-725 degrees use a 1/16 short reach tip (ETA)

Assemble the K2 first but go ahead and install the connectors for the options. After you have the K2 working then add the options one at a time.

The key click mod and a new firmware revision is new

Don Brown

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: M. Hendricks<mailto:[hidden email]>
  To: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
  Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 7:56 PM
  Subject: [Elecraft] Suggestions, tips and ideas needed

  Hello all,

  I've had K2 S/N: 3464 in storage and I'm about to
  begin construction.  I'll be using a Weller WESD51
  soldering station with Kester SN63PB37 @ .031 diameter
  and Kester SN60PB40 @ .031 diameter solder.  The
  WESD51 uses ET series tips.  Any suggestions on tip

  My understanding is that the 63/37 solder flows a
  little better when soldering plated through holes on
  double sided trace boards.  Is this correct?  Both
  types of solder are Kester 44 rosin core.  If anyone
  from Elecraft is monitoring this post, would my use of
  the above 2 styles of solder have any negative impact
  on my remaining (if any) warranty?

  What is the recommended tip temperature for using the
  above solder on the K2?

  I also purchased the KAF2, KNB2 and KSB2 along with
  the pre-wound toroids from AA3WF in PA.  Should I
  completely assemble and align the K2 before adding the
  options or add options as I assemble the K2?

  Have any real significant improvements been made to
  the     K2 kit since S/N: 3464, purchased in May 2003?

  Thanks for your input,

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