Surplus Elecraft items and more

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Surplus Elecraft items and more

Roger Stein
I have the following items for sale:

KAF2 $40, replaced by KDSP2
KIO2 $50 w/cable, replaced by KPA100w I/O provision
KAT2 $100 w/K2 top cover, replaced by KAT100
MH2  $35 w/jumpers, replaced by MD2

All items with instruction manuals.

LDG RT-11 with RT-11 remote $150, replaced by KAT100
HLA-150  $150, replaced by KPA100

The soldering station has grown cold, the floor swept, and tools put
away....time to operate!!

73, Roger, WA7BOC K2 #755

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Re: Surplus Elecraft items and more

Darrell Bellerive

I am interested in buying the LDG RT-11 and control head.

Would you take paypal or a Canada Post Money Order?

Would you ship to me via US Postal Service International Parcel Post (Air)?

Is the RT-11 factory built or built from a kit? Condition?


On February 14, 2005 8:17 pm, Roger Stein wrote:

> I have the following items for sale:
> KAF2 $40, replaced by KDSP2
> KIO2 $50 w/cable, replaced by KPA100w I/O provision
> KAT2 $100 w/K2 top cover, replaced by KAT100
> MH2  $35 w/jumpers, replaced by MD2
> All items with instruction manuals.
> LDG RT-11 with RT-11 remote $150, replaced by KAT100
> HLA-150  $150, replaced by KPA100
> The soldering station has grown cold, the floor swept, and tools put
> away....time to operate!!
> 73, Roger, WA7BOC K2 #755
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Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations: VA7TO, VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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RE: Surplus Elecraft items and more

Roger Stein
In reply to this post by Roger Stein
Thanks all!

SOLD  KAF2 $40, replaced by KDSP2
SOLD  KIO2 $50 w/cable, replaced by KPA100w I/O provision
SOLD  KAT2 $100 w/K2 top cover, replaced by KAT100
SOLD  LDG RT-11 with RT-11 remote $150, replaced by KAT100
SOLD  HLA-150  $150, replaced by KPA100

MH2 Microphone still available.

73, Roger, WA7BOC

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