Okay, Dave...thanks for the comment.
I/Q technology is pretty much above my IQ. What would be done with I/Q from
a P3 beyond what the P3 does?
Dick - KA5KKT
>As I understand it, the KX3, and the P3, both contain a software defined
>receiver, so the I/Q signals are already present.
>That is not the case for the receiver in the K3 or K3S, so adding it there
>would involve adding a SDR.
>On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 2:21 PM Dick Dickinson <softblue at windstream.net>
>> Ever the contrarian here, I note the KX3 has I/Q output. Why not a
>> for the K3/S rather than the P3..?
>> Dick - KA5KKT
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