TR : Oscilloscope help part 2 ;-)

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TR : Oscilloscope help part 2 ;-)

Answer I received that does not appear in the newsgroup. Thanks.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Bob-W5BIG [mailto:[hidden email]]
Envoyé : 20 juin 2004 19:29
Objet : Re: [Elecraft] Oscilloscope help part 2 ;-)

Hello Jean-Francois,

You can connect your scope probe to a terminal on your dummy load to see the
output of the transmitter. Adjust the filters for a maximum signal in the
vertical direction with the frequency near the center of each band.

You can measure the peak to peak output by putting the horizontal scale to
about 10 microseconds per division (the exact scale isn't critical). Then
you will see a solid band across the screen. The peak to peak voltage is the
height of this band.

Let  V = peak to peak voltage

Power in watts =  V*V/(8*Dummy_Load_Resistance)

You can measure the Dummy_Load_Resistance with a digital ohm meter.

73/ Bob - W5BIG

----- Original Message -----
From: "JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 4:55 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Oscilloscope help part 2 ;-)

Ok, first thanks for all people that post something about using a scope. Now
I am more familiar with my scope.

My second question is, like in the manual of the K2 on page 75 regarding 40
meter transmitter alignement, telling that we could use an oscilloscope to
adjust all band pass filter in the K2.

Ok, now I have one, but now where do I put my probe in the K2 and what
should I expect to see on the scope when the bandpass are correctly adjust
or disadjust ??? I should expect that I go the same way for all bandpass
filters ???

As a newbie I am, I must have a more detail routine to do some stuff like
this. But be sure this will help me !!! ;-)

Big thanks again to all of you.

P.S. My scope is a Velleman HPS40 with the 60 Mhz 1x / 10x probe.


Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
[hidden email]

Amateur Radio Club of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

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