TX Test Mode garbage

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TX Test Mode garbage

Wes Stewart-2
I received an email from a German ham telling me that he's observing the same
thing that I reported a couple of years ago. Specifically an audible "clicking"
sound in both my K3S and KPA500 that coincides with CW keying.  See this thread:

Since there was no "fix" from Elecraft I guess time dulled my sensitivity to it
until I received the email and then I thought to listen for it again.  It's
thunderstorm season here in the AZ desert so my antenna cables are all
disconnected. Because the problem manifests whether or not RF is being generated
I put the K3S into TX Test mode and put the KPA500 into operate.  As before, the
clicking is still there in both the K3S and KPA500.

But while doing this I noted that the SWR LEDs on the KAT500 were flashing.  
Since the antennas are disconnected this would be normal if RF was being
generated, however as stated, I'm in Test mode.  One of my tuner ports has a
dummy load attached so I switched to it and lo and behold the amp output LED was
showing ~50W.

I have an original K3 so I tuned it to the K3S frequency, keyed the K3S and
listened on the K3.  I could hear a non-coherent, clicky "garbage" signal that
seemed to have a spectrum roughly the width of the TX filter.  Because both
radios were running on the same power supply to eliminate the possibility of
crosstalk via that path I fired up an SDR-IQ running on a totally separate
computer and looked at the spectrum.  Although it's non-synchronous to the
keying I can see a signal that does have an envelope roughly shaped like a BPF
although it's far from flat in the passband.

The amplitude of this is affected by the output power setting and is present
with the KPA500 in Standby.  It also seems to be thermally sensitive; becoming
less conspicuous the longer things run.

Wes  N7WS


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