Thank You for doing it right!

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Thank You for doing it right!

Larry Kayser
Greetings all the staff at Elecraft!

This memo is to Christine (who did it right three times), to Evelyn (who
did it right twice) and to Somerlan who only had a chance to do it once.

Thank You from KX1 # 618 for putting all the little things in the right
bag and envelope.  Thank You for putting in each bag the right number of
things, and Thank You for not putting in more little things than there
should be (and leaving me to find out what to do with the extra
things).  Thank You for getting it right.

I do not think that Elecraft had in mind that someone should Thank You
for doing it right, when they put your names in each bag of things, so I
can imagine that if you managed to make a mistake now and then someone
might take exception to the situation - but in my case you got it right
and I am well pleased.

I hope each of you are having a good day and that you will continue to
have success with your efforts and labours.

The designer did a pretty good job as well, but that was known ahead of
time, only Christine, Evelyn and Somerlan had a chance to reduce my
expectations and you avoided that and for that I am very appreciative of
your efforts.


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