The Big Four: YETI

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The Big Four: YETI

Gene A. Williamson
GM OMs, YLs ...

   For decades now we's spoken of "The Big Three" ham equipment
manufacturers, the most common epithet being YaeComWood. Times have
changed, and with the current emphasis on receiver performance -- and
introduction of new and better engineering -- I suggest a more proper
reference might be "YETI" -- for Yaesu / Elecraft / Tentec / and Icom.

   Any comparison to the Abominable Snowman who roams the Himalayas as
these rigs roam the ham bands is up to you.

73 "YW" Gene, N7YW
99.44% CW since 1958 (ex-K7DBV)
K2 #3876
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Re: The Big Four: YETI

Bill Coleman-2

On Jun 29, 2004, at 10:38 AM, Gene A. Williamson wrote:

>    For decades now we's spoken of "The Big Three" ham equipment
> manufacturers, the most common epithet being YaeComWood. Times have
> changed, and with the current emphasis on receiver performance -- and
> introduction of new and better engineering -- I suggest a more proper
> reference might be "YETI" -- for Yaesu / Elecraft / Tentec / and Icom.

You left out Kenwood?

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: [hidden email]
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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