The Brits and DDT

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The Brits and DDT

Douglas Westover
Yes, in the UK they have DDT = DOUBLE daylight time! That's
lots of fun. And Newfoundland with its 1/2 hour offset! Drove me
nuts when I was working up there..finally just did everything in
UTC as God intended.

Doug, W6JD

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Re: The Brits and DDT

Art - W6KY
And do you know who started that???  It was started by
the Romans when England was ruled by the Roman
Emperor Hadrian.
Yep! It was a sight watching all those Romans out there at 11pm
trying to figure out which way to turn their 'Sundials'....
73, Marcus Flavius XIV

Douglas Westover <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yes, in the UK they have DDT = DOUBLE daylight time! That's
lots of fun. And Newfoundland with its 1/2 hour offset! Drove me
nuts when I was working up there..finally just did everything in
UTC as God intended.

Doug, W6JD

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