The New Tuner introduced- It looks decent

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The New Tuner introduced- It looks decent

I Like how small the PC Board is. Would it fit into a K2?
I was going to buy the LDZ's microtuner. However the ad and reviews  indicate
that that tuner would stop at a 1;1.5 SWR OR EVEN 2:1.
  The new external elekraft did promise true 1:1 SWR.
I was surprised that assembled VS kit is $20. I was going to but elekraft  
internal tuner.
However I was able to disassemble a 6A-H 14V computer battery.
Much space is consumed by the striped down computer battery, however I can  
operate 10W and 5W for very long periods of time.
  Looks likeI have to wait until April for the new tuner.
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Re: The New Tuner introduced- It looks decent

Brian Mury-3
On Tue, 2005-01-03 at 16:21 -0500, [hidden email] wrote:
>   The new external elekraft did promise true 1:1 SWR.

Not quite. It will find the best match that it can, instead of stopping
when it gets "close enough". That doesn't mean it will always give you

73, Brian

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