Hello All,
It is noticeable on this Reflector that occasionally folk become annoyed by
any critical comment about the K2 in its various configurations, e.g K2/100.
Although such a reaction is understandable, we are human, it might be useful
to take a look at what underlies critical comment. As I see it there is
comment for the sake of comment (read Moan), there is the *It would be nice
if K2 could do this, but I have no idea how it could be done*, there is the
*that could be done by xxxxx* and * K2's performance regarding ???? could be
improved by doing this*
Moans, as always, are obvious as such, go into the bucket and self-destruct.
In my experience the other three are very useful to the Designers, positive
critical feedback, or better put sensible feedback. After a lifetime
designing communications hardware and systems, I cannot recall any Engineer
worth his salary dismissing offhand such feedback. I understand that in the
case of the K2, such feedback has resulted in such things as the KPA100.
The recent discussion about *Phase Noise* from the transmitter brings me to
*numbers*. In the receiver field, the level db/Hz of phase noise is of
vital interest to designers, both at the head end and in multichannel
systems in multiplexers, and various methods of measurement have been used
for years. I would agree that in the Amateur market there is an obsession to
a degree with numbers, often improperly defined and judging by the fact that
sometimes they do not add up, perhaps massaged. (not Elecraft!!) It is also
interesting that very often the Phase Noise Governed Dynamic Range (PNGDR)
of a receiver is not published, possibly because it is the limiting factor
and not some other.
So I would suggest that *critical comment* be viewed as *helpful suggestion*
and as something positive. Mrs Caveman told Mr Caveman that she thought his
fur looked shabby, so now we have Designer clothes.
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