Tnx for answer on SLA-300 amps. And some info on SSB adjustments on K2

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Tnx for answer on SLA-300 amps. And some info on SSB adjustments on K2

Tom Arntzen
First of all , thanks to you who responded on my amp issue.
I misses the smell of solder and after all it seems like KPA100 is the right call even I can't use it with K1.
My K1 will stay as backpack rig and the K2 as main rig.

My decission was made today after some ssb qso's.
1 to Great Britain and one to 4u1itu.
Both gave comments on excellent tx audio even before I asked , and I was going to , but they gave answer to my question before I had chance to ask.

Some info on my settings , and this can help those of you who is trying to avoid bassy audio.

My KSB2 is unmodified and ordered same time as my K2 3829.
My mic is Heil MH2 made for K2.
FL2 opt1 filter is adjusted to about 300hz cutoff on low side to get right and soft audio on rx.
FL1 opt1 filter is adjusted about 150-200hz higher in pitch for both usb/lsb to avoid bassy tx audio and also make high pitch breakthrough in pileups.

All done with spectrograf.
That's how easy it is.
And finally some reports on air to verify right settings on all filters and modes.

The manuall is just a startpoint.
You will almost never end up with the settings in manuall.

After my meening you should stay basic design before trying the 2,2 or 2,5Khz mod.
You might not need them. I didn't. You might....perhaps..

But to end story...I wouldn't really buy the KPA100 if I strugeled to get good tx audio , but the last reports made different.
Now I will order KPA100.
Xmas smoke and soldering.

73/72 de LA1PHA Tom
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