Toroid Guy goes on holiday, still QRV

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Toroid Guy goes on holiday, still QRV

Mychael Morohovich
Hi, Gang!

I will be out of town on a family holiday from Thursday Oct. 02 thru Sunday Oct. 10. As is my custom, I will be packing a full compliment of Elecraft toroid sets with the intention of filling orders from the road.

To facilitate this, I will be checking my email once per day at a local library. Orders sent via snail mail and received during this time will have to wait until my return, however, as the neighbor whom I have previously entrusted to open my snail mail and forward particulars to me is presently in jail and therefore unavailable. [Actually, she only moved away. The jail thing makes for a better story, though, so let's go with that.] As for phone service, once I can remember that code which allows me to check my messages from afar, I will be checking that as well.

As always, I will do my best to provide timely service. If you get a chance, listen for me on the QRP freqs from the coast of SC as I find time to operate between sipping drinks, shipping out parts, and hollering at the kids.

73, Tnx, es Happy Building!

Mychael AA3WF
KX1#0004 [on loan from AC7AC]
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Re: Toroid Guy goes on holiday, still QRV

hank  k8dd-2
At 9/27/2004 14:20, Mychael Morohovich wrote:

>Hi, Gang!
>I will be out of town on a family holiday from Thursday Oct. 02 thru
>Sunday Oct. 10. As is my custom, I will be packing a full compliment of
>Elecraft toroid sets with the intention of filling orders from the road.

Now THAT is dedication!!!!

72 73  and have a nice vacation!
Hank    K8DD

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