Transmit indicator

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Transmit indicator

Stewart Baker
Something that has always surprised me is that the K2 has no front panel
indication of when it is on transmit. The only way to tell is when there is no
audio out of the loudspeaker, or the S meter has no LED's lit. If the AF gain
were turned fully down there is no way of knowing.
I can put my K2 into transmit by any of the following means:-
PTT switch on the mic body, switch on the mic base, key, footswitch, VOX or

I decided to make a clear indication of when the K2 was on transmit.
Getting inspiration from various articles on fitting zero beat indicators to a
K2, I now have a small red LED that is positioned in line with the RIT and RATE
buttons which illuminates on transmit. This was easily done with a small piece
of PCB material cut to size, and fixed as per the zero beat PCB's. The miniature
LED is wired with a series 1k resistor between front panel board connector J1
pin 4 (/DOT-PTT) and pin 18 (5A).

I now feel much happier that I am not accidentally transmitting over someone
else's QSO because of a stuck PTT button on the microphone.

Stewart G3RXQ

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