Transmitting on Power up

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Transmitting on Power up


New to list and just at alignment and test part III, page 74.  I have been
getting exceleent suggestions from Gary at Elecraft but was wondering if any of
you had any similiar problems.

When I power up to do the test on Page 74 My rig is keyed up.  Power output is
4 watts.  Even when I reset using 456 at power up, same thing.  Another Ham
Chuch had diode d1 in the TR switch backwards that produced this same problem,
I checked mine and all is well.  Up to this point all alignment and tests
worked perfectly, and assembly smoothly.  

I am using Torroids from the torrid Guy.

I know that I will have to go back and set everthing else back up since I did a
reset but this power output thing is preventing that.  

I also do not have the key closed on the Transcceiver and have measured the
required 84K to ground to verify that this is so.

Curious though if I hit the XFIL button to so to FL2, 3 or 4,  The rig acts
normally and all functions work and the power output stops, and the rig works
peerfectly.  But when reset and it goes to startup I see Elecraft for 2
seconds, followed by the keyer speed and PO=0.1  even though the power output
is 4 watts at this stage.

Any help would sure be wonderful

thanks to all

73 Bruce N9BX
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RE: Transmitting on Power up

Don Wilhelm-3

The Power indication that you see when powering on the K2 is the 'Power
requested' setting of the power control pot, not the power output (4 watts)
that you are currently obtaining - so that is a non-problem, it will take
care of itself after the real problem has been solved.

There is no proper relationship between the XFIL selection and transmit
state - but ---
The only thing I can see in the schematic that MIGHT cause such a problem is
a short between the V BIAS-XFIL signal and the VALC signal lines - check the
resistance between Control Board P2 pins 30 and pin 32 and between RF Board
J7 pins 30 and 32, if you find a low or zero resistance look carefully for a
solder bridge between those two pins.

If that doesn't solve the problem we will just have to take things one step
at a time to find it.


> -----Original Message-----
> New to list and just at alignment and test part III, page 74.  I
> have been
> getting exceleent suggestions from Gary at Elecraft but was
> wondering if any of
> you had any similiar problems.
> When I power up to do the test on Page 74 My rig is keyed up.
> Power output is
> 4 watts.  Even when I reset using 456 at power up, same thing.
> Another Ham
> Chuch had diode d1 in the TR switch backwards that produced this
> same problem,
> I checked mine and all is well.  Up to this point all alignment and tests
> worked perfectly, and assembly smoothly.
> I am using Torroids from the torrid Guy.
> I know that I will have to go back and set everthing else back up
> since I did a
> reset but this power output thing is preventing that.
> I also do not have the key closed on the Transcceiver and have
> measured the
> required 84K to ground to verify that this is so.
> Curious though if I hit the XFIL button to so to FL2, 3 or 4,
> The rig acts
> normally and all functions work and the power output stops, and
> the rig works
> peerfectly.  But when reset and it goes to startup I see Elecraft for 2
> seconds, followed by the keyer speed and PO=0.1  even though the
> power output
> is 4 watts at this stage.
> Any help would sure be wonderful
> thanks to all
> 73 Bruce N9BX

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Re: Transmitting on Power up

Mark - W5EZY
In reply to this post by N9BX
Hi Bruce,

If the Alignment Part II passed o.k. my suggestion
would be to start from page 65 and check and
double-check each step and part installed.  I have had
to do that before, and have almost always found
something I did wrong.  It may take some time, but
you're not getting anywhere right now anyway:-)  Just
approach it as though you just started on page 65 and
don't assume anything.  Hope this will help... been
there, done that!

Mark  W5EZY

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