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Reflector Members,

Those of you using Elecraft Transverters........Are all of you using an A/B type switch to go from HF to VHF on the K2' transverter hookup?  

I was a little surprised to see that to get the Drive RF to the transverters required the use of an external or separate switch that would require the individual to switch from the HF antenna to the transverters with an external switch.

Is there any way to use those lower drive RCA connectors to eliminate the switch?

Second question - my 144 transverter is about 100 cycles high.  Is there a way to correct this?  


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RE: Transverters

Simon Lewis-6

I would never recommend such a device if your a serious VHFr

They leak and will pick up alot of external signals that are not on VHF!

I think a famous DX record in the UK was claimed by two 28 MHz drivers and
leaky connections in the 70s!

I would only recommend good solid cables and connectors and no switch if
your wanting your system to remain at the best performance. The A/B type
switches are generally not good and will "leak" signal across the switch

You can use the offset command in the K2 menu to trim the transverter onto
an accurate external signal - as long as your really sure that your are
100Hz off!!! dont rely on the local beacon ;-)



>From: "Paul" <[hidden email]>
>To: <[hidden email]>
>Subject: [Elecraft] Transverters
>Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 09:31:22 -0400
>Reflector Members,
>Those of you using Elecraft Transverters........Are all of you using an A/B
>type switch to go from HF to VHF on the K2' transverter hookup?
>I was a little surprised to see that to get the Drive RF to the
>transverters required the use of an external or separate switch that would
>require the individual to switch from the HF antenna to the transverters
>with an external switch.
>Is there any way to use those lower drive RCA connectors to eliminate the
>Second question - my 144 transverter is about 100 cycles high.  Is there a
>way to correct this?
>Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Transverters

Don Brown-4
In reply to this post by Paul-288

Yes if you install the KX60M option then the switching is not required on the antenna because the K2 RF is not required to drive the transverter. The drive comes from the low level output on the KX60M not the K2 finals. The K2 output circuit is turned off when the transverter is selected on the band switch and low level drive is selected in the menu.

The XV144/222 does not have a frequency adjustment for the local oscillator (although the XV50 does) There is an offset adjustment in the K2 transverter menu to compensate for slight frequency variations. This will allow you to adjust the K2 dial indicator to the correct frequency for your transverter. Each of the six transverter menu selections have their own offset setting.

Don Brown

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Paul<mailto:[hidden email]>
  To: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
  Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 8:31 AM
  Subject: [Elecraft] Transverters

  Reflector Members,

  Those of you using Elecraft Transverters........Are all of you using an A/B type switch to go from HF to VHF on the K2' transverter hookup?  

  I was a little surprised to see that to get the Drive RF to the transverters required the use of an external or separate switch that would require the individual to switch from the HF antenna to the transverters with an external switch.

  Is there any way to use those lower drive RCA connectors to eliminate the switch?

  Second question - my 144 transverter is about 100 cycles high.  Is there a way to correct this?  


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Re: Transverters

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
In reply to this post by Paul-288
Hi Paul,

We also offer the K60XV internal transverter interface option for the K2. It
has a separate low level output for the driving transverters and automatically
switches to that output from the K2's HF output when you select a transverter

To correct for the 100 Hz offset go into the K2's transverter menu area. There
is a +/- offset setting that will compensate for this.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ
Paul wrote:

> Reflector Members,
> Those of you using Elecraft Transverters........Are all of you using an A/B type switch to go from HF to VHF on the K2' transverter hookup?  
> I was a little surprised to see that to get the Drive RF to the transverters required the use of an external or separate switch that would require the individual to switch from the HF antenna to the transverters with an external switch.
> Is there any way to use those lower drive RCA connectors to eliminate the switch?
> Second question - my 144 transverter is about 100 cycles high.  Is there a way to correct this?  
> Paul
> K8QT

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