Triggering a T-1 re-tune over coax?

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Triggering a T-1 re-tune over coax?

Steve Sergeant
We're considering using a couple of T-1 tuners for a field event as
remote tuners on non-resonant antennas.

I can imagine some solutions, but at the moment I'm asking about prior art.

Has anyone built a hardware hack that lets one trigger a T-1 to re-tune
by sending D.C. over the coax? If so, can you point me to any articles,
designs, videos (if you must), or cell-phone-camera photos of the
napkin-based document?

We're going to be running 50 meters or so of coax to each antenna, so
running an additional control line seems like too much trouble.

Any disparaging of remote-tuner, non-resonant antennas, or advice on any
tuner other than the T-1 will be ignored as off-topic.
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