Hi to all,
I have been using my K2/100 #4618 for the last month with marvelous results
both in RX and TX. I have also been using a manual ATU to tune my inverted V
in all bands, where I have the data on a paper and I adjust accordingly in a
matter of a few seconds.
The only thing that I do from time to time is to fine tune the SWR depending
on the exact frequency within each band, and I use the tune option for this.
Even if the power is all the way up to 110W, the rig will output 20W for
tuning and that is good, but I only need 2-3W for my fine adjustments which
will strain the finals less and create less QRM during the couple of seconds
that I need.
Here comes the question: Is there any hardware or software adjustment
possible that will make the K2/100 put out less than 20W when the tune
function is activated even with higher requested power settings ? That would
be very convenient in order to avoid having to manually decrease the power
to the 2-3W level every time I tune and then having to increase it back to
100W for the QSO.
Marinos, KI4GIN
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