For reference, I have tuned this exact 88' CF doublet
with 75' of balanced feedline with the K2 ATU and it
easily tunes on all bands and modeles very well on
I used a homebrew 1:1 current balun right before it
went into the BNC connector of the K2. Operating in
the field on a battery for FYBO in the hail, I drew
big static arcs to my EARS through my HEADPHONES until
I ran a simple static ground from the K2's GND post to
a nail pushed into the soil. What a Shocker! (sorry).
I made my doublet AND feedline from 26AWG 19-strand
copper weld wire intended for balloon lift that is
VERY strong and flexible but doesn't twist or kink and
seems to weigh nothing. I highly recommend it for a
field antenna: of the page, PN "POLYS-26"
Good stuff.
73, Steve N4SL
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