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Tuning AL-811H

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Tuning AL-811H

Ian Kahn, KM4IK
308 posts
I have a question about tuning an AL-811H amplifier with my K3.  When I
used my FT-857D in the shack, I would tune to the antenna in FM mode.  
However, I don't have the FM filter on my K3.  I tried tuning the amp
using AM, but I don't have that filter either.  So, what is the best
mode to use that allows me to briefly transmit an uninterrupted carrier
so I can get this amp set up and the settings written down?  BTW, after
going through this, the saving for the KPA500/KAT500 will soon begin.

Thanks everyone for the assist.


Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA
[hidden email]
K3 #281, P3 #688

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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Jeff Cochrane - VK4XA
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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Ian Kahn, KM4IK
308 posts

When I try to use CW, all I get are transmitted dits or dahs.  The
breaks register as zero output, so the needles on the amp bounce around
and are hard to read.  Any suggestions on using CW to generate that
continuous carrier out to the amp so that the needles don't bounce
around and I can adjust it properly?

Thanks and 73,

Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA
[hidden email]
K3 #281, P3 #688

On 1/19/2012 10:59 PM, Jeff Cochrane - VK4BOF wrote:

> Use CW mode
> 73 de
> Jeff Cochrane - VK4BOF
> East Innisfail
> QLD, Australia
> K3 #4257, P3 #1629, KPA-500 #161
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ian Kahn - Ham" <[hidden email]>
> To: <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 1:51 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] Tuning AL-811H
>> I have a question about tuning an AL-811H amplifier with my K3.  When
>> I used my FT-857D in the shack, I would tune to the antenna in FM
>> mode.  However, I don't have the FM filter on my K3.  I tried tuning
>> the amp using AM, but I don't have that filter either.  So, what is
>> the best mode to use that allows me to briefly transmit an
>> uninterrupted carrier so I can get this amp set up and the settings
>> written down?  BTW, after going through this, the saving for the
>> KPA500/KAT500 will soon begin.
>> Thanks everyone for the assist.
>> 73,
>> --Ian
>> Ian Kahn, KM4IK
>> Roswell, GA
>> [hidden email]
>> K3 #281, P3 #688
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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Andy - UA0BA
1 post
In reply to this post by Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Hello !

To set up my amp mode using the DATA (FSK D) hit the PTT.

С уважением
 Моисеев Андрей - UA0BA
 г. Норильск ( RDA KK-66 )
 [hidden email]
 [hidden email]
 ICQ: 11727506

>I have a question about tuning an AL-811H amplifier with my K3.  When I
> used my FT-857D in the shack, I would tune to the antenna in FM mode.
> However, I don't have the FM filter on my K3.  I tried tuning the amp
> using AM, but I don't have that filter either.  So, what is the best
> mode to use that allows me to briefly transmit an uninterrupted carrier
> so I can get this amp set up and the settings written down?  BTW, after
> going through this, the saving for the KPA500/KAT500 will soon begin.
> Thanks everyone for the assist.
> 73,
> --Ian
> Ian Kahn, KM4IK
> Roswell, GA
> [hidden email]
> K3 #281, P3 #688

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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Don Wilhelm-4
8557 posts
In reply to this post by Ian Kahn, KM4IK

That is because you are using the paddle input.  Use the Hand Key
input.  If you do not have a hand key, get yourself a 1/4 inch stereo
plug - connect one wire to the tip and another to the shell - on the
other end of those wires, put a pushbutton, or a toggle switch or
whatever you desire to use - in any case, shorting the two wires
together will cause the K3 to transmit in CW mode.

As has been mentioned already, you can also use TUNE, and there is a
menu item to set the TUNE POWER should you choose to do that.


On 1/19/2012 11:04 PM, Ian Kahn - Ham wrote:
> Jeff,
> When I try to use CW, all I get are transmitted dits or dahs.  The
> breaks register as zero output, so the needles on the amp bounce around
> and are hard to read.  Any suggestions on using CW to generate that
> continuous carrier out to the amp so that the needles don't bounce
> around and I can adjust it properly?
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Re: Tuning AL-811H

52 posts


With the key connected to the paddle input,  hold the key down on the dit side at 30-35 wpm. Then tune your PA.  The needles won't be bouncing all around the scale.To get an exact reading....hold the dah side down at slowest speed you have.Works fine, lasts a long time.

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Re: Tuning AL-811H

124 posts
In reply to this post by Ian Kahn, KM4IK
If you are interested in doing the job totally "right" when using SSB, the
only way to be assured of good linearity in the amplifier, is to use a
two-tone test oscillator fed into the audio input and a monitor oscilloscope
that gives a trapezoidal test pattern.   Yes, I know a lot of people use a
CW carrier to do that and are successful at least some of the time.  It is
easy to mistune this way and NOT get good linearity and maximum `PEP output
however.  This degrades your signal and often times may disturb QSO's up or
down the band with non-linearity products.

Cheapest test scope used to be the Heathkit SB-610 which has a built in 2
tone test oscillator.  I think Yaesu and Kenwood also made these as well.
Once you get used to the procedure it is easy and fast and assures a very
clean and potent signal.


Sandy W5TVW
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Kahn - Ham
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 9:51 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Tuning AL-811H

I have a question about tuning an AL-811H amplifier with my K3.  When I
used my FT-857D in the shack, I would tune to the antenna in FM mode.
However, I don't have the FM filter on my K3.  I tried tuning the amp
using AM, but I don't have that filter either.  So, what is the best
mode to use that allows me to briefly transmit an uninterrupted carrier
so I can get this amp set up and the settings written down?  BTW, after
going through this, the saving for the KPA500/KAT500 will soon begin.

Thanks everyone for the assist.


Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA
[hidden email]
K3 #281, P3 #688

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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Matt Murphy
70 posts
If using a two tone oscillator is the best way to tune a tube amp, would it
be possible for the K3's firmware to generate this?

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:37 PM, Sandy <[hidden email]> wrote:

> If you are interested in doing the job totally "right" when using SSB, the
> only way to be assured of good linearity in the amplifier, is to use a
> two-tone test oscillator fed into the audio input and a monitor
> oscilloscope
> that gives a trapezoidal test pattern.   Yes, I know a lot of people use a
> CW carrier to do that and are successful at least some of the time.  It is
> easy to mistune this way and NOT get good linearity and maximum `PEP output
> however.  This degrades your signal and often times may disturb QSO's up or
> down the band with non-linearity products.
> Cheapest test scope used to be the Heathkit SB-610 which has a built in 2
> tone test oscillator.  I think Yaesu and Kenwood also made these as well.
> Once you get used to the procedure it is easy and fast and assures a very
> clean and potent signal.
> 73,
> Sandy W5TVW
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Kahn - Ham
> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 9:51 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Elecraft] Tuning AL-811H
> I have a question about tuning an AL-811H amplifier with my K3.  When I
> used my FT-857D in the shack, I would tune to the antenna in FM mode.
> However, I don't have the FM filter on my K3.  I tried tuning the amp
> using AM, but I don't have that filter either.  So, what is the best
> mode to use that allows me to briefly transmit an uninterrupted carrier
> so I can get this amp set up and the settings written down?  BTW, after
> going through this, the saving for the KPA500/KAT500 will soon begin.
> Thanks everyone for the assist.
> 73,
> --Ian
> Ian Kahn, KM4IK
> Roswell, GA
> [hidden email]
> K3 #281, P3 #688
> ______________________________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
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> -----
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4754 - Release Date: 01/19/12
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> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Tuning AL-811H

David Pratt
467 posts
A 2-tone test is already built into the K3, Matt. I'm afraid it's a case
of RTFM.

Enter the Config menu and look for 2 TONE

73 de David G4DMP

In a recent message, Matt Murphy <[hidden email]> writes
>If using a two tone oscillator is the best way to tune a tube amp, would it
>be possible for the K3's firmware to generate this?
 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
 | David M Pratt, Kippax, Leeds.   |
 | Website: http://www.g4dmp.co.uk |
 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

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Re: Tuning AL-811H

David Gilbert
827 posts
In reply to this post by Matt Murphy

My guess is that the answer to that would be yes, since it already
exists as the very first item in the chart of K3 menu options.

"2 Tone  --  Enables built-in 2-tone generator for SSB transmit tests."

Dave   AB7E

On 1/20/2012 12:13 AM, Matt Murphy wrote:
> If using a two tone oscillator is the best way to tune a tube amp, would it
> be possible for the K3's firmware to generate this?
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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Matt Murphy
70 posts
That's the best possible answer. Must have slipped through the cracks b/c I
didn't realize there were benefits to tuning using one.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:36 PM, David Gilbert <[hidden email]>wrote:

> My guess is that the answer to that would be yes, since it already exists
> as the very first item in the chart of K3 menu options.
> "2 Tone  --  Enables built-in 2-tone generator for SSB transmit tests."
> Dave   AB7E
> On 1/20/2012 12:13 AM, Matt Murphy wrote:
>> If using a two tone oscillator is the best way to tune a tube amp, would
>> it
>> be possible for the K3's firmware to generate this?
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Re: Tuning AL-811H

Ian Kahn, KM4IK
308 posts
In reply to this post by Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions.  I tried using RTTY mode
this evening, and it works like a charm.  Now I just need a watt meter
to measure the output.  Fortunately, Wayne and Eric make one of those,
and I should have mine mid- to late week next week.

Thanks again and 73,

-- Ian
Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA
[hidden email]
K3 #281, P3 #688

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