U1 on Control Board (K2)

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U1 on Control Board (K2)

I am starting work on K2 serial number 7174 and I am now prepared to install the DIPs on the Control Board. I did an inventory of the DIPs and have found one, U1, that is different from the specified part number. Instead of having NE602 or SA602, I have SA612AN2841002YnG047C. Is this an equivalent or replacement for the SA602 or NE602 required for U1? I have identified all of the other DIPs for the Control Board and they are correct.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: U1 on Control Board (K2)

Have a look at the parts list in the K2 manual.   In the description column for U1,
(SA612) is listed as an alternate part.  You're good to go.

Enjoy building!

73 -

Bruce Rosen
K2/100 6982 KSB2 KAT100-1 KAF2 KIO2