I was raising a W3EDP antenna at our cabin yesterday, and hooked it to my KX1
via a BL2. I had taken a bunch of readings with an antenna analyzer,
and didn't make a lot of sense of them anywhere except 20m - but I think
I don't understand how the antenna is supposed to work. (I got 2.0:1 SWR
on 40, but I was making contacts, too.)
That's a different topic of discussion.
One thing I wished I had was a ferrite choke/unun to go between the
BL2 and the coax. I have been infected with the idea that the
ferrite bead baluns have high loss and relatively low impedance,
and that a better design uses coax wound through one or two binocular cores.
A lot like the BL2.
So, how about it ... should there/could there be a UN1 mini-module? BNCs
at either end (one M, one F?), maybe a switch to take the choke in/out
of circuit?
I know I don't know enough to design a good one, though I may try
my hand at homebrewing one.
73 de chris K6DBG
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