USB/LSB Problem

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USB/LSB Problem

Glenn McNeil
Hi Group,

I thought that my recently finished K2 had come through test and it's
forst operational period with flying colours...I was wrong.

I have just discovered, due to todays activities, that my K2 does not
apparently switch to LSB...the annunciator does, but the radio doesn't.

I have just been listening to a local Net on 3615 Mhz...and I can
understand the QSO regardless of the Sideband I have selected...and the
Guy was using LSB.

Further tests this evening on 144 Mhz, using an XV144, confirm that my
Tx signal is OK on USB, and I can resolve a station txing to me on USB.
I then got that station ( who is 240k's away) to go to LSB. On the first
test, he almost disappeared, and the audio was unreadable. Second test,
after switching between Sidebands a couple of times to see the results,
I had a good signal on LSB ( He was txing on LSB) but I could not
resolve it no matter where I tuned the VFO Knob.

I then got him to listen in USB and I called him on LSB...and he
answered me and he was good copy !

I'm still scratching my head over this whilst looking at the manual. It
appears that I'm intermittently switching to LSB, and when there, I
cannot resolve signals. The radio is also txing in USB when it says it's
in LSB.

Any ideas on what this radio is doing, and where a good place to start
looking would be ???

I've today been right throught the whole alignment process with no
apparent anomolies ( that I can see ).  The radio has DSP, NB, 160M and
60M fitted and the KI02..and of course, the SSB Option..

My first thoughts whilst typing this plea for help, are to have a look
at the SSB Module.


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Re: USB/LSB Problem

Trevor Day
Without having any of my documentation (or the radio) to hand at the
moment Glenn, I would go for the BFO frequency settings.  It is possible
to get into this situation if they are way out.

Hope this gives you something to look at before the guys with detail
answers finish breakfast :-)

gl Trev G3ZYY

0In message <[hidden email]>, Glenn McNeil
<[hidden email]> writes

>Hi Group,
>I thought that my recently finished K2 had come through test and it's
>forst operational period with flying colours...I was wrong.
>I have just discovered, due to todays activities, that my K2 does not
>apparently switch to LSB...the annunciator does, but the radio doesn't.
>I have just been listening to a local Net on 3615 Mhz...and I can
>understand the QSO regardless of the Sideband I have selected...and the
>Guy was using LSB.
>Further tests this evening on 144 Mhz, using an XV144, confirm that my
>Tx signal is OK on USB, and I can resolve a station txing to me on USB.
>I then got that station ( who is 240k's away) to go to LSB. On the
>first test, he almost disappeared, and the audio was unreadable. Second
>test, after switching between Sidebands a couple of times to see the
>results, I had a good signal on LSB ( He was txing on LSB) but I could
>not resolve it no matter where I tuned the VFO Knob.
>I then got him to listen in USB and I called him on LSB...and he
>answered me and he was good copy !
>I'm still scratching my head over this whilst looking at the manual. It
>appears that I'm intermittently switching to LSB, and when there, I
>cannot resolve signals. The radio is also txing in USB when it says
>it's in LSB.
>Any ideas on what this radio is doing, and where a good place to start
>looking would be ???
>I've today been right throught the whole alignment process with no
>apparent anomolies ( that I can see ).  The radio has DSP, NB, 160M and
>60M fitted and the KI02..and of course, the SSB Option..
>My first thoughts whilst typing this plea for help, are to have a look
>at the SSB Module.

Trevor Day
UKSMG #217

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Re: USB/LSB Problem

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Glenn McNeil

That condition would occur if the USB BFOs are set on the wrong side of the
There is a sideband reversal that occurs on 15 meters and above, and the
symptom will 'switch sidebands' for the upper bands.

I suggest you re-check the BFO settings,  start with the settings shown in
the KSB2 manual for the crystals you have in the KSB2 and then refine those
settings using Spectrogram.  While setting the filters, be certain the K2 is
set to a lower band to avoid confusion, the K2 firmware handles the sideband
inversion and that will appear to 'flip' things for you.

If you need additional information about setting the filters and BFOs, check
my website - look at Step 3 of the article dealing with K2
Dial Calibration.


----- Original Message -----

> I thought that my recently finished K2 had come through test and it's
> forst operational period with flying colours...I was wrong.
> ... snip ...
> I then got him to listen in USB and I called him on LSB...and he answered
> me and he was good copy !
> I'm still scratching my head over this whilst looking at the manual. It
> appears that I'm intermittently switching to LSB, and when there, I cannot
> resolve signals. The radio is also txing in USB when it says it's in LSB.

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