Unstable output power with N1MM winkeyer mode.

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Unstable output power with N1MM winkeyer mode.

Hi, I noticed that when I run a remote rig set up and N1mm in winkeyer mode the output of K3 is unstabie. It varies from say nominal 32 W to almost the double! I use K3 mini. Keying without PC and N1MM with CW keyer directly into RRC1258 solves the problem. Any clues why using a PC to key will produce the strange behaviour. Is it the winkeyer mode that induces this!
I noticed this when using the PA and the output power suddenly more than doubled.
73s Kari
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Re: Unstable output power with N1MM winkeyer mode.

Some more info about this. When I continue for longer periods and key CW via N1MM (winkeyer mode in RRC unit) the output power stadily increases from say 30 W (what I have choosen on K3 mini panel) to almost full output power 85 W. I have a formware from late 2014.
I noticed on the forum that this phenomena did occur some 4-5 years ago even on SSB. New firmware seem to have solved it then.