Update SSB roundup and/or test

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Update SSB roundup and/or test

My main interest was the SSB audio differences between lets say the first  
SSB K2's , my self modified 3155, and 4000+ models.
  I have a 1.07 rev SSB chip. Some early #3000's may have earlier  chips. I
have not asked for any audio checks from any of the 100+ QSO's. Nobody  I
worked had a K2.
   I reasoned if I did not get any complaints using 4:1  compression with the
older 2.2 khz wide filter, I had good audio.
  I would  like to see how my audio sounds to a fellow K-2 and  also try a
50W amp for 20M only I built.
   I will be on 14.155-178 on Saturday after 2 PM EST.
I also wanted to see if the SSB filter mod is for me or not. I found on RX  
it really works very well on 1.8Khz for RX this is good. I find not having PBT  
not such a loss with good 1.8KHZ
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RE: Update SSB roundup and/or test

Don Wilhelm-3
This sounds like a purely subjective form of 'testing' to me.  There are too
many variables to make a good judgement of one's audio quality.

-- The position of the transmit passband with respect to the audio
frequencies being transmitted is a large factor (FL1 BFO adjustment).
-- The width of the transmitted passband is a secondary factor.
-- The perception of the listener for 'what sounds right' may differ from
your interpretation.

The best way to test your transmit audio is to listen to it on a second
reciever (with the K2 operating into a dummy load and the other receiver
having adequate attenuation so it is not overloaded).  Record your
transmitted signal and play it back to hear just how you sound - you may
even have another person who knows how your voice sounds normally listen
since we seldom really know what we ourselves sound like.  Using these same
techniques, you can properly evaluate changes that you make.

You can get good intelligible audio at most any bandpass width if the
demodulated audio contains the audio frequencies required for best
intelligibility of your own voice - each voice is a bit different in that
If you want information on the critical audio frequencies for
intelligibility and fidelity, check out some of the articles that Bob Heil
has published - there was one good one in QEX a while back (Google may show
you some of them).

I have no direct relationship with Bob Heil, I just feel he knows his
products and audio technology quite well as it applies to Amateur Radio.


> -----Original Message-----
> My main interest was the SSB audio differences between lets say
> the first
> SSB K2's , my self modified 3155, and 4000+ models.
>   I have a 1.07 rev SSB chip. Some early #3000's may have earlier
>  chips. I
> have not asked for any audio checks from any of the 100+ QSO's. Nobody  I
> worked had a K2.
>    I reasoned if I did not get any complaints using 4:1
> compression with the
> older 2.2 khz wide filter, I had good audio.
>   I would  like to see how my audio sounds to a fellow K-2 and
> also try a
> 50W amp for 20M only I built.
>    I will be on 14.155-178 on Saturday after 2 PM EST.
> I also wanted to see if the SSB filter mod is for me or not. I
> found on RX
> it really works very well on 1.8Khz for RX this is good. I find
> not having PBT
> not such a loss with good 1.8KHZ
> filtering.

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RE: Update SSB roundup and/or test

Stewart Baker
Even the second receiver has a big influence on how your signal sounds.
At present I am building my version of a wideband monitor receiver designed by
Ian G4COL, and featured in the RSGB Rad Com of November 1990.

As this has no pass band filtering to colour the received signal, combined with
an MP3 recording process it should provide the most accurate assessment.

Stewart G3RXQ

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 20:06:17 -0500, W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

> This sounds like a purely subjective form of 'testing' to me.  There are too
> many variables to make a good judgement of one's audio quality.
> -- The position of the transmit passband with respect to the audio
> frequencies being transmitted is a large factor (FL1 BFO adjustment).
> -- The width of the transmitted passband is a secondary factor.
> -- The perception of the listener for 'what sounds right' may differ from
> your interpretation.
> The best way to test your transmit audio is to listen to it on a second
> reciever (with the K2 operating into a dummy load and the other receiver
> having adequate attenuation so it is not overloaded).  Record your
> transmitted signal and play it back to hear just how you sound - you may
> even have another person who knows how your voice sounds normally listen
> since we seldom really know what we ourselves sound like.  Using these same
> techniques, you can properly evaluate changes that you make.
> You can get good intelligible audio at most any bandpass width if the
> demodulated audio contains the audio frequencies required for best
> intelligibility of your own voice - each voice is a bit different in that
> respect.
> If you want information on the critical audio frequencies for
> intelligibility and fidelity, check out some of the articles that Bob Heil
> has published - there was one good one in QEX a while back (Google may show
> you some of them).
> I have no direct relationship with Bob Heil, I just feel he knows his
> products and audio technology quite well as it applies to Amateur Radio.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
>> -----Original Message-----
>> My main interest was the SSB audio differences between lets say
>> the first
>> SSB K2's , my self modified 3155, and 4000+ models.
>> I have a 1.07 rev SSB chip. Some early #3000's may have earlier
>> chips. I
>> have not asked for any audio checks from any of the 100+ QSO's. Nobody  I
>> worked had a K2.
>> I reasoned if I did not get any complaints using 4:1
>> compression with the
>> older 2.2 khz wide filter, I had good audio.
>> I would  like to see how my audio sounds to a fellow K-2 and
>> also try a
>> 50W amp for 20M only I built.
>> I will be on 14.155-178 on Saturday after 2 PM EST.
>> I also wanted to see if the SSB filter mod is for me or not. I
>> found on RX
>> it really works very well on 1.8Khz for RX this is good. I find
>> not having PBT
>> not such a loss with good 1.8KHZ
>> filtering.
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