Update on Diana morse de KB3NNP

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Update on Diana morse de KB3NNP


 I guess it is time to give an update about Diana Morse, KB3NNP, progress.

 Two weeks ago the original four Polar Bear, went to Diana's QTH to present
her with the radio gear and et her setup.

 The original four are Ron de WB3AAL, Ed de WA3WSJ, Ed de K3YTR and Mark de

 We did the presentation and took pictures. Then we proceeded to set up the
station for her. Once we got everything setup we placed a wire out the
window so she could do some on air coping. She did not want to get on the
air because she never used a keyer and iambic paddles. She wanted to
practice before she got on the air.

 Last Sunday Mark de NK8Q and I de WB3AAL went up to her place to make come
connections on the power cords so Diana could disconnect the radio and take
it with when they go to NH. We also placed a G5RV up as a temporary antenna
until I get my spare Butternut HF9V in working shape. We told her that she
was going to make her first 2 QSO's that day.

 We had everything up and running. I went out to my car and fired up my K2
on 7.115 MHz. I called for KB3NNP and low and behold the sounds of the Morse
station was finally on the air. I exchanged the usual information and
welcomed her to the hobby. Surprising her fist was very good. She just has
to get the coping of the code up to speed of her sending. After I signed
with her, Mark came out to my car and I ran into the house. Mark made a QSO
with Diana and enjoyed contacting a relative of Samuel Morse.

 This seemed to work out very good since she did have questions on what to
send and how to do this. Today she got on 40 meters and called out her first
CQ. Bob KC8MFF from WV came back to her CQ and the Ham Radio bug has been
implanted. Diana was very excited that someone heard her CQ and came back to
her call. We told he that the more she gets on the air and make QSO's she
will be up her confidence and CW skills.

===========Diana Morse History===============

I'm 5th cousin, 5 times (generations) removed from
Samuel FB Morse--he is 7th & I am 12th generation
from Anthony Morse, who came to Mass. in 1635.

Until I had all the links, I wasn't sure if I was comfortable
talking about it, since it was one of my main reasons for
learning code : )  (other than your wonderful support).

Diana Morse de KB3NNP


So if you hear KB3NNP on 40 or 80 meter CW in the Novice section, please
stop and say hello to her. She is going to start studying to take her
General Class license.

72 and Thanks,
Ron Polityka

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