Updates and Modifications

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Updates and Modifications

Evan Roberts-3
I have recently purdhased K2/100 with SSB option s/n 1920.  The radio seems
to work well in every respect.  It has firmware 203D and 1.07.  I have
ordered the noise blanker and Audio filter with clock kits.

I am very new to the Elecraft world but have decided that almost anything
will beat my IC 706s receiver on 20 meter CW so I bought the K2.

Question:  Is there firmware up grades or factory mod kits that should be

Evan Roberts, HL2/W5IQS
Incheon International Airport, Korea

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RE: Updates and Modifications

Sverre Holm
Your K2 will do just fine as it is, but there are some updates that you
may want to consider:

- Upgrade from revision A to revision B (i.e. serial # 3000+)
- Since you have the 100 W option, you may want to consider the TCXO
(Temperature Compensation) option in serial # 3446+
- The last one is the CW keying bandwidth mod which is in serial # 4060+

The KPA100 has had a few upgrades also:
- a new shield
- An upgrade that makes it handle higher SWR before power roll-back

There are kits for all these options that can be purchased from Elecraft
and they will bring your K2 to the latest revision level as the proper
firmware upgrades will be included.

You will find info and links on http://www.qsl.net/la3za/K2/mod.html
plus many other minor mods.


Sverre Holm, LA3ZA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Evan Roberts
> Sent: 23. juni 2004 12:32
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Elecraft] Updates and Modifications
> I have recently purdhased K2/100 with SSB option s/n 1920.
> The radio seems
> to work well in every respect.  It has firmware 203D and
> 1.07.  I have
> ordered the noise blanker and Audio filter with clock kits.
> I am very new to the Elecraft world but have decided that
> almost anything
> will beat my IC 706s receiver on 20 meter CW so I bought the K2.
> Question:  Is there firmware up grades or factory mod kits
> that should be
> incorporated?
> Evan Roberts, HL2/W5IQS
> Incheon International Airport, Korea
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