Updating K3?

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Updating K3?

Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-717-1197
I have K3 #22, the second K3 ordered, and the first delivered.
I want to upgrade it as much as practical, given that I'm not being
very active, and it's a good size
for taking along on possible trips.  I'm working on an interesting
trip on a traditional vessel.
I have the Cady book on upgrading; a new interface, antenna and
transverter interface,
two synthesizers, the general coverage filters mods, stainless steel
screws, and a couple of small things.
I don't know if the PA power connection parts are in the stash, but
that should be easy.

Cady's book says it's not known at the time he wrote this if other
things are worth doing, but that book is
from 2015.
So is there a document, or consensus, about what else should be done?
73, doug
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