Using Heil Pro Set Elite boom mic on K3.. what

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Using Heil Pro Set Elite boom mic on K3.. what

Hi All,

I am a little surprised there continues to be so much conversation about
using the Heil Pro Set with Elecraft rigs.  Of course, much of it probably
is from those who already have a "Pro Set", and maybe others are just super
loyal to Heil stuff.  Heil does make good equipment, but I think K9YC has
pretty well convinced (and documented) most of us that the Yamaha CM-500 is
just as good, if not better, and far cheaper.  I find no difference comfort
wise, and I think the RX audio is better.

I had a Pro Set long before I got my Yamaha CM-500.  I also bought an "IC"
version (the one Heil makes for Elecraft) before I was made aware of the
Yamaha.  On both the standard Pro Set version and the IC version, I found
the headphone section to be problematic--weak audio.  A lot of other folks
agreed, but some disagreed, with that assessment.  Otherwise, the Heils are
fine.  Personally, I don't know why Elecraft doesn't offer the Yamaha,
either in addition to or in lieu of, the Heil.  Maybe they just can't make
any money off of it!

The Yamaha CM-500 is an electret, and that seems to work far better with a
lot of radios.  Heil's IC version was produced, as I understand it,
primarily to benefit Icom rigs (thus the "IC" designation?), which seemed to
work far better using electrets.  Perhaps this doesn't comport with those
interested in "high fidelity audio", but everyone seems to like how I sound
using an electret.  Using the audio equalizer on most newer Elecraft rigs
you can sound almost any way you want!  The Yamaha works equally well with
all my Elecraft rigs, including the KX3 and KX2.  The Yamahas hold up well
too, but if you have one that doesn't, you can almost treat it like a
throw-a-way BIC pen, and get two more for probably less than you would pay
for a Heil Pro.  You will pay almost as much just to get an adaptor, if you
are using your Pro Set on something other than a Kenwood rig, as a Yamaha
would cost.  With a Yamaha, you don't need a complicated adapter.  Just plug
it into the back!  If you want to plug it into the front, you only need a
standard, inexpensive, 1/4 inch adapter.

Now, Heil has introduced newer (improved?) versions of it's Pro Set, but I
have yet to hear anything about better RX audio.  Perhaps its better, but
the price has gone way up!  Maybe someone more familiar with these newer
versions can clarify this.

Anyway, if you haven't read K9YC's commentary, you might want to do so.
It's all on his website.


Dave W7AQK

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