Using a MP-1 antenna... a few tips :-)

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Using a MP-1 antenna... a few tips :-)


I recently ordered and received the MP-1 antenna from W6MMA.

I read a lot about this antenna before ordering.. Some people do not
like it, some people do... And the good result depends on how people
experiment and use this antenna.

A few points that make me choose this antenna:

- I have a Buddipole, and they use the same threading, so parts of one
antenna can fit on the other and vice versa.

===) The combination of those two antenna makes an excellent
experimental kit like LEGO blocks!!! (==

- MP-1 is a very small kit. For a backpacker like me, weight, space
requirement, etc...

- The quality of construction of this antenna is almost as good as the

One thing that is very important, if you use 80M coil option on the
MP-1..... don't even think to use the radial kit that normally comes
with the antenna.....

You must build another radial kit. I built one using cheap #18 AWG twin
speaker wires. Do 2 wires of 33 feet each, splice the two wires to
separate each wire. So you will have a total of 4 wires of 33 feet
each. Using a cable terminator, attach the 4 wires to the radial
terminal on the base on the MP-1 like before. Deploy the radial in a
star pattern... like a big X. Note that the use of a MFJ antenna
analyzer is really recommended to fine tune the antenna and to save a
lot of "AAARRRGHHH" time!!!

The transmit and receive gain is greatly improved !!! 33 feet is
approximatively 1/4 wave lenght of a 80M antenna based on frequency
3.750 Mhz....

So the kit is enough compact to fit in your K2 case.


Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ / FN45aj
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Elecraft K2 #4130

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Re: Using a MP-1 antenna... a few tips :-)

Augie "Gus" Hansen
On 10/9/04 10:55 AM, "JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> The transmit and receive gain is greatly improved !!! 33 feet is
> approximatively 1/4 wave lenght of a 80M antenna based on frequency
> 3.750 Mhz....

Hello Jean-Francois,

The 33 foot length is 1/4-wave on 40m. Using 246/3.75 gives about 65.5 feet
for a 1/4-wave radial on 80m. But the 1/8-wave radials you have made do
provide good performance with a short vertical and certainly make for a nice
portable antenna system.

Gus Hansen / KB0YH

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Re: Using a MP-1 antenna... a few tips :-)

Brian Mury-3
In reply to this post by JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD-3
On Sat, 2004-09-10 at 12:55 -0400, JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD wrote:
> The transmit and receive gain is greatly improved !!! 33 feet is
> approximatively 1/4 wave lenght of a 80M antenna based on frequency
> 3.750 Mhz....

33 feet is a quarter wave on about 7.450 MHz. A quarter wave on 3.750
MHz is about 65.6 feet. This does not including velocity factor.

73, Brian

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Re: Using a MP-1 antenna... a few tips :-)

In reply to this post by Augie "Gus" Hansen
Oopps Yes ... ;-) Big mistake.... But yesy it improves anyway... ;-)

Le 04-10-09, à 13:23, Augie Hansen a écrit :

> On 10/9/04 10:55 AM, "JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> ...
>> The transmit and receive gain is greatly improved !!! 33 feet is
>> approximatively 1/4 wave lenght of a 80M antenna based on frequency
>> 3.750 Mhz....
> ...
> Hello Jean-Francois,
> The 33 foot length is 1/4-wave on 40m. Using 246/3.75 gives about 65.5
> feet
> for a 1/4-wave radial on 80m. But the 1/8-wave radials you have made do
> provide good performance with a short vertical and certainly make for
> a nice
> portable antenna system.
> 73,
> Gus Hansen / KB0YH
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Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ / FN45aj
[hidden email]
Elecraft K2 #4130

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Re: Using a MP-1 antenna... a few tips :-)

Bob Nielsen
In reply to this post by JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD-3
Hello Jean-François,

I think you will be very pleased with the MP-1.  I used mine with a K2
from inside a 6th floor hotel room in Tourcoing, France during the WPX
contest last May and made several contacts of 1500-3000 km on 20m
at 5W through the heavy EU QRM.

Even a 1/8-wavelength counterpoise as you described is adequate to get
the input impedance to a point where the antenna tuner can easily match
the antenna.  I use the 4SQRP Tenna-Dipper to easily tune it to my
operating frequency.

I found it helpful to have a 3/8-24 tap, as the threads tend to gall
fairly easily if you assemble/disassemble it often.

73, Bob N7XY

Bob Nielsen, N7XY                                 n7xy (at)
Bainbridge Island, WA                   
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