Using a SDRPlay RSPduo as a K3 Panadapter for Remote Operations

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Using a SDRPlay RSPduo as a K3 Panadapter for Remote Operations

Elecraft mailing list
My Elecraft K3-KPA500-KAT500-P3 is remotely operated through the K3/IO-mini and Remote Rig from my station in Southeast Georgia,  The system works well but I don’t have remote access to the P3.  

It finally dawned on me recently that I could potentially use a SDRPlay RSPduo SDR receiver that I currently own as a panadapter and then use VNC Viewer to connect to the shack PC to view the panadapter.

As the P3  has an IF output,  I plan to connect that output to one of the RSPduo’s SMA inputs.  The PC that is at the shack is already setup for remote access, so I could simply install SDRuno and run the software to see the Panadapter display. That leaves the issue of how to obtain K3 frequency and mode information (presumably using OmniRig to feed data to SDRuno) for managing the SDRduo’s  display of the K3’s frequency as the center frequency.  I presume that the SDR software would be set to the IF frequency from the K3 (8.215 MHz).

Currently, the K3 serial port is connected to the Remote Rig for remote control.  However, it is possible to run a serial cable from a PC ComPort to the back of the P3.  So if that connection is made, will it be connected serially to the K3 as well as to the P3?  If not:

1.  Is a serial port y-adapter between the K3 serial connection and the Remote Rig connection to add a PC serial port connection acceptable under the presumption that the PC won’t be sending commands to the K3 but only receiving data from the K3?

2.  Do I use a PC program to provide data from the K3 to both the Remote Rig Com Port and to SDRuno?  In this case, presumably OmnRig would be accessing a virtual serial port (VSPE) rather than a physical serial port.  I understand that LP-Bridge is not compatible with SDRuno so is there a similar ‘repeater’ software for distributing serial information to various destinations?

3. Am I better off to use something like Win4KSuite as the interface between the K3 and RSPduo?  This apparently eliminates the need for OmniRig and provides integration with SDRduo.  It also appears that this software supports the K3/IO-mini, so does that mean the “Mini” is connected to a PC ComPort and the interconnection is made through Win4KSuite?  One issue that I see with this approach is that if there is an issue with the PC, I will lose my K3-K3/IO connection as well.

4.  Are there other software packages that I should consider?

If anyone is using a K3/IO remote connection as well as using a PC in the shack as a Panadapter display through a SDR receiver, I’d appreciate your thoughts on this.  I’m  planning to head back to SE Georgia at the end of this week (Thursday/Friday) and would like to set this up while I’m there before returning to Texas later in the month.


Barry Baines, WD4ASW
Keller, TX

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