VCO Alignment

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VCO Alignment

Tim Cailloux
I'm finally getting back to working on the K2 after two months of
avoiding re-winding T5.  Anyway, it's been rewound and checks out.
I'm now attempting to align the VCO and am having another issue.

When I connect my DMM to R30, the voltage is 17.2V and no amount of
adjustment on L30 will vary that voltage.  Any suggestions?  I've
verified L30 and C72.


Tim Cailloux
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RE: VCO Alignment

Don Wilhelm-3

I would venture a good guess that you are actually reading 17.2 millivolts.

If that is the case, check the 4v line out of the thermistor board - pins 6
and 7 (or U6 pin 5 - same line).  I would also speculate that you will find
the voltage there at 0 volts (ground).  Check the back of the thermistor
board carefully for solder bridges.


> -----Original Message-----
> I'm finally getting back to working on the K2 after two months of
> avoiding re-winding T5.  Anyway, it's been rewound and checks out.
> I'm now attempting to align the VCO and am having another issue.
> When I connect my DMM to R30, the voltage is 17.2V and no amount of
> adjustment on L30 will vary that voltage.  Any suggestions?  I've
> verified L30 and C72.

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