VCO/PLL Alingment and Test Part II

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VCO/PLL Alingment and Test Part II

Donald K. Duncan

Pardon the earlier malformed subject...

Hi all -

I'm working on K2 #4607.  I'm to the point of Alignment and Test,
Part II.  A couple of problems have come up.

1)  The K2 is failing the PLL range test with a range of 9.47kHz.
L31 is currently 10uH.  I've emailed elecraft regarding this.
Grepping the archives indicate that replacing L31 with 12uH may
solve this problem.  What's the consensus on this?

2)  I completed the remainder of the alignment for Part II.
I'm able to receive signals on 40m.  However, any change
in frequency results in a chirp occuring about 1/10 of a
second after any frequency change is made.  This chirp
occurs on all 40m frequencies, on all step increments and
all filter settings.  I suspect this is the PLL taking
an excessive amount of time to lock up.  Once locked, the
receiver is very stable.  All voltages on U4 are within a
reasonable value.  Any ideas?  Is this related to 1)?


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Re: VCO/PLL Alingment and Test Part II

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Hi Don,

A PLL range of 9.47 kHz is OK.  8.8 kHz is the minimum range.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ

Donald K. Duncan wrote:

> Pardon the earlier malformed subject...
> Hi all -
> I'm working on K2 #4607.  I'm to the point of Alignment and Test,
> Part II.  A couple of problems have come up.
> 1)  The K2 is failing the PLL range test with a range of 9.47kHz.
> L31 is currently 10uH.  I've emailed elecraft regarding this.
> Grepping the archives indicate that replacing L31 with 12uH may
> solve this problem.  What's the consensus on this?
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