Before installing the hardware and firmware mod to reduce VCO hash, my worst in-band problem was from 28.0 to 28.040MHz where hash gave an S4. reading. There was also a patch of high level hash out of band around 5.0MHz.
After installing the complete mod, hash at the bottom of 28MHz reduced to S2 while hash at 5MHz disappeared. I trawled the entire tuning range of the K3 today in order to log post-mod hash levels. Weak hash was heard in a number of places but was strongest at the bottom of 28MHz. A check with VCO MD SP1 set showed no change to 28MHz but hash levels elsewere increased. Overall, the best results are found when the full VCO hash mod is installed, but 28MHz is a grave disappointment.
I've moved the TMP coaxials around, checked and re-checked the mod installation, metered the resistors and checked the diodes. Everything is screwed down nice and tight, but there's still a problem on 28MHz.
If it should ever come to pass, dear Elecraft people, a dose of stronger medicine would be most welcome.
73 DaveL G3TJP
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