VOACAP and WSPR propagation resources

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VOACAP and WSPR propagation resources

Tony Estep
A really cool website:

Enter your QTH, type of antenna, and power, and click "save as default."
Then Run Prediction. You'll get a picture of where your signal might reach
right now. You can also set time and date forward or back to see estimated
propagation conditions in the past or future.

Another excellent propagation resource, of a very different source, is
WSPRnet. Here's a link to the main map:


Basically, it's a qrp beacon network. You can see who's being heard by whom
on any chosen band, or on all bands.

You can do much more, too, if you download and use the WSPR software. Too
long a story to go into here, but very worthwhile and fun. Especially useful
when you're trying out antennas; with a little effort, you can gather heaps
of data on receiving and transmitting capabilities of your antennas, both
with stateside and DX paths.

Check 'em out.

Tony KT0NY
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