VOX issue

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VOX issue

Bill VanAlstyne W5WVO
After my glowing report about the K3 VOX from the operator's perspective
(mine!) a couple days ago, I started using it on the air, and immediately
started getting complaints from stations I was working on 6m. The common
thread boiled down to something like this: "It sounds like you are using a
linear with one of those old-fashioned big frame relays that goes
"ker-CLACK" every time you start talking."

Obviously there are no old-fashioned relays in the barefoot K3, so this is
obviously an artifact of some kind. I'm wondering if anyone else has
encountered this problem. I've gone back to the footswitch until I can get
this problem resolved.

Bill W5WVO

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Re: VOX issue

I use VOX all the time on the other bands (not done much on 6 yet) and  
had not comments and can't hear anything with the monitor.
Have you tried going into Tx Test mode and listening to your AF via  
the monitor and headphones?
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree? The purpose of the giant
sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse.
-Edward Abbey, naturalist and author (1927-1989)

On 9 Jul 2008, at 13:54, Bill W5WVO wrote:

> After my glowing report about the K3 VOX from the operator's  
> perspective
> (mine!) a couple days ago, I started using it on the air, and  
> immediately
> started getting complaints from stations I was working on 6m. The  
> common
> thread boiled down to something like this: "It sounds like you are  
> using a
> linear with one of those old-fashioned big frame relays that goes
> "ker-CLACK" every time you start talking."
> Obviously there are no old-fashioned relays in the barefoot K3, so  
> this is
> obviously an artifact of some kind. I'm wondering if anyone else has
> encountered this problem. I've gone back to the footswitch until I  
> can get
> this problem resolved.

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