VOX noise at beginning of speech

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VOX noise at beginning of speech

Bill VanAlstyne W5WVO
I posted a brief query a week or so ago about the K3 VOX and a couple
complaints I had received about it from hams on 6 meters. Since then, I've
worked with a couple of reliable local stations on the air to try to further
characterize what they are hearing.

They all say that when the VOX "makes" at the beginning of speech, they hear
a distinct "clack" sound which is variously described as the sound of a
frame relay closing or the sound of an old-fashioned light switch being
flicked on. This sound happens on every "make" of the VOX circuit, but does
not happen on the "break" when speech pauses or ends. Some say the sound is
not terribly objectionable, while others say it is awful. How "bad" it is,
I'm sure, is just a matter of personal opinion -- but the sound is
definitely happening, everyone agrees on that. I have had stations reduce
their RF gain to the point where there is no AGC action on receive, and the
sound is still there. And it happens irrespective of the various VOX
adjustment settings, so far as I can tell.

Since there are no mechanical parts involved in the K3 VOX, the sound seems
likely to be generated in the firmware as a result of the timing delay
manipulation described previously.

Can this be looked into, Wayne/Lyle? I've put VOX back on the shelf,
figuratively, until this issue has been resolved.

Bill W5WVO

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