Submission Info:
1. Name: Bob Patten
2. Callsign: W0SOC (N4BP, op)
3. State/Province/Country: FL
4. Score: 606 7Mhz - 47 QSO
202 CW QSO's 14Mhz -149 QSO
21Mhz - 6 QSO
5. Rig type: K2 @ 5 Watts (S/N 438) Logged with N1MM free logger.
Used the club call of the Second Class Operator's Club and also participated
in the SOC Marathon Sprint which overlapped the EQP for six hours.
Participation in the EQP was VERY low, needs more advanced publicity.
Perhaps a mass e-mail to all owners of KX1, K1, and K2's, if such a
is possible? Still think rules should include the exchange of S/P/C and
provide multipliers for same - would make it much more interesting, and
perhaps intice more people to participate for the purpose of contacting
new states and countries.
QSO Highlights: DK0SU on two bands
CU2JT on 40M
WG4FOC (one of club calls for First Class
Operator's Club)
K1JD (HUGE signal on three bands)
W0NTA & K8DD three bands
K4KSR 100mW & W5KDJ also in the mW's
Might have heard Wayne, N6KR - copied N6??
and then thought
I picked out a "K" and "R" during several
repeats. But no
way to copy the info even if my guess was right.
73, Bob Patten, N4BP Plantation, FL
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