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I haven't seen much posted here about the new W1 SWR/Wattmeter.  I got mine
earlier this week, and put it together the next day.  It goes together
quickly and easily.  Too bad there isn't a custom case for it, but it's
really not a big deal.  The rubber feet would presumably protect the bottom
of the circuit board so that nothing would short if you lay the W1 on a flat
surface.  However, I chose to place a sheet of plastic over the bottom just
for added protection--I used plastic that is used as packaging material from
one of those items you buy at a store and then have to struggle to get the
plastic covering off!  It's pliable, but not too much so.

So, has anyone with better bench equipment than I have checked out the
accuracy of the calibration procedure given in the manual?  I know I'm in
the ballpark at least, and that's probably good enough, but I'm curious to
know if anyone has tested it more precisely.

Anyway, it's a very nice little unit.  Should make a handy addition to my
Field Day pack.

Dave W7AQK

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