W2 Watt Meter Interface Application

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W2 Watt Meter Interface Application


For those of us who have two K3's and two W2 Watt meters, would you consider one
of two options to help us know which interface we are looking at?

1) Since one has to rename the Interface executable to run two copies at the
same time, perhaps in the load event of the main form, put code that changes the
form Text (Title) to the name the W2 executable started up with.

2)  In the setup form add a TextBox control that allows the user enter Text they
would like to display in the form Text (Title).

Thanks for considering that.

Thanks and 73,

Tom Childers
Radio Amateur N5GE
Licensed since 1976
QCWA Member 35102
ARRL Life Member

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Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
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Re: W2 Watt Meter Interface Application

Option 3:

A startup command line that allows definition of the form text AND the Serial
Port Name.


Tom Childers
Radio Amateur N5GE
Licensed since 1976
QCWA Member 35102
ARRL Life Member

On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:49:54 -0600, Amateur Radio Operator N5GE <[hidden email]>

>For those of us who have two K3's and two W2 Watt meters, would you consider one
>of two options to help us know which interface we are looking at?
>1) Since one has to rename the Interface executable to run two copies at the
>same time, perhaps in the load event of the main form, put code that changes the
>form Text (Title) to the name the W2 executable started up with.
>2)  In the setup form add a TextBox control that allows the user enter Text they
>would like to display in the form Text (Title).
>Thanks for considering that.
>Thanks and 73,
>Tom Childers
>Radio Amateur N5GE
>Licensed since 1976
>QCWA Member 35102
>ARRL Life Member
>Elecraft mailing list
>Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
>Post: mailto:[hidden email]
>This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
>Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

Elecraft mailing list
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Amateur Radio Operator N5GE