W2 Wattmeter

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W2 Wattmeter

Richard Squire - HB9ANM
The Shipping Status page (last updated August 7) states the W2 is scheduled for shipping 8/30 to 9/7.
I ordered two kits but no katiegram so far... and no manual on the Web site. Any news?
Richard - HB9ANM
Richard - HB9ANM
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Re: W2 Wattmeter

I emailed asking about my W2 kit order last week and was told they hope to start shipping at the end of this coming week.  Sure would feel better about that happening if I could download the manual.

Bill NZ0T
Richard Squire wrote
The Shipping Status page (last updated August 7) states the W2 is scheduled for shipping 8/30 to 9/7.
I ordered two kits but no katiegram so far... and no manual on the Web site. Any news?
Richard - HB9ANM