W2 update?

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W2 update?

Apologies for being a nag about this but I'm currently without a decent SWR/Watt meter and anxiously awaiting my W2.  I'm relying in the K3 metering and the itty bitty meter on my Ten Tec tuner.

Any updates on actual shipping dates and manual download availability?

Thanks so much and a hearty 73  Bill nz0t

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Re: W2 update?

Richard Squire - HB9ANM
Yes, Bill, I sent a similar post some time ago but it seems there's a secret there...
Maybe they are not getting the parts etc. a scheduled.
But the manual??

73 Richard - HB9ANM

NZ0T wrote
Apologies for being a nag about this but I'm currently without a decent SWR/Watt meter and anxiously awaiting my W2.  I'm relying in the K3 metering and the itty bitty meter on my Ten Tec tuner.

Any updates on actual shipping dates and manual download availability?

Thanks so much and a hearty 73  Bill nz0t
Richard - HB9ANM